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API Reference


The ColorPane API makes use of Promises, and you should review their documentation if necessary.



    PromptTitle: string?,
    ColorType: ("Color3" | "Color")?,
    InitialColor: (Color | Color3)?,
    OnColorChanged: ((Color | Color3) -> nil)?

Currently, the type of InitialColor and the value of ColorType must match. This will be changed in a future update.

  • OnColorChanged must not yield.


    PromptTitle: string?,
    InitialColor: ColorSequence?,
    OnColorChanged: ((ColorSequence) -> nil)?
  • OnColorChanged must not yield.


    PromptTitle: string?,
    GradientType: ("ColorSequence" | "Gradient")?,
    InitialGradient: (Gradient | ColorSequence)?,
    InitialColorSpace: string?,
    InitialHueAdjustment: string?,
    InitialPrecision: number?,
    OnGradientChanged: ((Gradient | ColorSequence) -> nil)?

Currently, the type of InitialGradient and the value of GradientType must match. This will be changed in a future update.

  • OnGradientChanged must not yield.
  • InitialColorSpace refers to the one of the color spaces used by Color.mix.
  • InitialHueAdjustment refers to the one of the hue adjustments used by Color.mix.
  • InitialPrecision refers to the "precision" of the gradient, or how visually-accurate you want it to be. This currently ranges from 0-18, but the maximum precision depends on the number of keypoints in the gradient.
    • Specifically, the maximum precision for k keypoints, with maximum km keypoints (currently 20) is math.floor((km - 1) / (k - 1)) - 1


    InvalidPromptOptions: "InvalidPrompt",
    PromptAlreadyOpen: "PromptAlreadyOpen",
    ReservationProblem: "ReservationProblem"



ColorPane.PromptError: PromptError

If a prompt cannot be opened, a PromptError will be the value passed through the Promise. It has the following items:

  • InvalidPromptOptions, if the options passed to the prompt function are invalid (e.g. trying to pass a Color3 value to the InitialGradient key of GradientPromptOptions).
  • PromptAlreadyOpen, which should be self-explanatory.
  • ReservationProblem, if you either try to prompt for a color and the gradient editor is already open, or you try to prompt for a gradient and the color editor is already open.


ColorPane.PromiseStatus: Status

Refers to the Status enum of the Promise library.



ColorPane.GetVersion(): (number, number, number)

Returns the version of ColorPane release, following semantic versioning. This should be used if your applications requires certain versions of ColorPane to function properly.


ColorPane.IsColorEditorOpen(): boolean

Returns whether the color editor is open or not.


ColorPane.IsGradientEditorOpen(): boolean

Returns whether the gradient editor is open or not.


Deprecated function

Alias for ColorPane.IsGradientEditorOpen


ColorPane.PromptForColor(promptOptions: ColorPromptOptions?): Promise<Color | Color3 | PromptError>

Prompts the user for a color. Returns a Promise that will resolve with either a Color or Color3, or immediately reject if either the color editor or gradient editor prompts are already open. If the user closes the prompt without submitting a color, the Promise will be cancelled.


ColorPane.PromptForGradient(promptOptions: GradientPromptOptions?): Promise<Gradient | ColorSequence | PromptError>

Prompts the user for a gradient. Returns a Promise that will resolve with either a Gradient or ColorSequence, or immediately reject if the prompt is already open. If the user closes the prompt without submitting a gradient, the Promise will be cancelled.


Deprecated function

ColorPane.PromptForColorSequence(promptOptions: ColorSequencePromptOptions?): Promise<ColorSequence | PromptError>

Legacy alternative for ColorPane.PromptForGradient. Equivalent to:

    PromptTitle = promptOptions.PromptTitle,
    GradientType = "ColorSequence",
    InitialGradient = promptOptions.InitialColor,
    OnGradientChanged = promptOptions.OnColorChanged,



ColorPane.Unloading: Signal

Fires when the API is unloading. You should use this event to clean up any scripts that use ColorPane.