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Tips and Tricks

Color Editor

Page Pickers

  • On the Slider and Palette sections, you can use the scroll wheel on the dropdown button to quickly switch between pages.


  • If you have a color selected, you can use the arrow keys to select a different color, and you can hold down the key to select faster.
  • You can skip the confirmation screen to delete a palette if you hold down the Shift key before you use the delete option.
  • If you prefer to name palettes after you create them, there is an option in the Settings that lets you create palettes without naming them. They will have the default name New Palette.

Gradient Editor

  • If you have a keypoint selected, you can use the left and right arrow keys to select a different keypoint.
  • You can right-click on a keypoint to delete it instead of having to use the delete button.

Resetting Session Locks

ColorPane uses session locks to prevent multiple sessions trying to write settings at the same time. If ColorPane errors or for some reason cannot clear the session lock, you will receive a message to close other sessions even though you don't have any other sessions open. To fix this, simply use the Claim Session Lock button in the Settings.