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Static function number, g: number, b: number): Color

Standard Color constructor. Arguments should be in the range [0, 1], similar to


Static function

Color.random(): Color

Creates a Color with random RGB components.


Static function

Color.gray(scale: number): Color

Creates an achromatic Color using the scale, which should be in the range [0, 1]. 0 corresponds to black, and 1 corresponds to white.


Static function

Color.named(name: string): Color

Creates a Color based on a named CSS color. Names are case-insensitive.


Static function

Color.from(colorType: string, ...: any): Color

Creates a Color from various color types. See the Color Types section for the list of available conversions and what arguments they require.


You can also use an alternative constructor using Color.from[ColorType] (e.g. Color.fromColor3(...) instead of Color.from("Color3", ...)), except for the xyY color type.



Read-only property

Color.R: number

The clipped red RGB channel of the color, in the range [0, 1].


Read-only property

Color.G: number

The clipped green RGB channel of the color, in the range [0, 1].


Read-only property

Color.B: number

The clipped blue RGB channel of the color, in the range [0, 1].



Static function

Color.isAColor(color: any): boolean

Returns whether the provided value is a Color. Checks if the value is a table with the following properties:

  • The table is frozen
  • The table has keys R, G, B, __r, __g, __b with numeric values
  • The table has a to function


Color.isClipped(color: Color): boolean

Returns whether the Color's RGB components are clipped. Some conversions (e.g. XYZ to sRGB) may result in RGB components outside of the range [0, 1]. In this case, the components will be clipped to the range [0, 1].

print(, 1, 1):isClipped()) --> false
print(, 2, 2):isClipped()) --> true


Color.unclippedEq(refColor: Color, testColor: Color): boolean

Compares the unclipped components of the Colors for equality.

print(, 1, 1) ==, 2, 2)) --> true
print(, 1, 1):unclippedEq(, 2, 2))) --> false


Color.components(color: Color, unclipped: boolean? = false): (number, number, number)

Returns the RGB components of the Color, either clipped or unclipped.

You can also access the individual clipped components using Color.R, Color.G, and Color.B. Color, colorType: string): ...any

Converts a Color to different formats. See the Color Types section for the list of available conversions and what values they output.


You can also use an alternative converter using[ColorType], e.g. Color:toColor3() instead of Color:to("Color3").


Color.invert(color: Color): Color

Returns a Color with inverted RGB components.


Color.mix(startColor: Color, endColor: Color, ratio: number, mode: string? = "RGB", hueAdjustment: string? = "Shorter"): Color

Interpolates the start and end Colors in various color spaces. ratio should be in the range [0, 1]. Supported spaces are: RGB (default), CMYK, HSB (or HSV), HWB, HSL, Lab, Luv, LChab (or LCh), LChuv, xyY, and XYZ (XYZ interpolation can be used for linear RGB interpolation).

For color spaces with a hue component (e.g. HSB/L or LCh), there are different ways to interpolate the hue, and you can specify how it should be done by passing hueAdjustment: Shorter (default), Longer, Increasing, Decreasing, or Specified. These adjustments correspond to those specified in CSS Color Module Level 4.

Here are images of what the various interpolations look like, using red and aqua as example colors (with the default hue adjustment):

RGB interpolaiton of red and aqua

CMYK interpolaiton of red and aqua

HSB interpolaiton of red and aqua

HWB interpolaiton of red and aqua

HSL interpolaiton of red and aqua

Lab interpolaiton of red and aqua

Luv interpolaiton of red and aqua

LChab interpolaiton of red and aqua

LChuv interpolaiton of red and aqua

xyY interpolaiton of red and aqua

XYZ interpolaiton of red and aqua


Color.blend(backgroundColor: Color, foregroundColor: Color, mode: string): Color

Blends the background and foreground Colors in various modes. The available blending modes are: Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDodge, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, and Exclusion. The blending modes correspond to those specified in Compositing and Blending Level 1.


Color.deltaE(refColor: Color, testColor: Color, kL: number? = 1, kC: number? = 1, kH: number? = 1): number

Calculates the color difference of two Colors using CIEDE2000, which can be used to compare the similarity (or difference) between colors. Smaller numbers correspond to greater similarity, while larger numbers correspond to less similarity.


Color.luminance(color: Color): number

Returns the relative luminance of the Color.


Color.contrast(refColor: Color, testColor: Color): number

Returns the contrast ratio between two Colors.


Color.bestContrastingColor(refColor: Color, ...: Color): (Color, number)

Returns the Color with the highest contrast ratio to the reference color, along with the contrast ratio itself.


Color.brighten(color: Color, amount: number? = 1): Color

Brightens a Color by modifying its L* component.


Color.darken(color: Color, amount: number? = 1): Color

Equivalent to Color.brighten(color, -amount).


Color.saturate(color: Color, amount: number? = 1): Color

Saturates a Color by modifying its C* component.


Color.desaturate(color: Color, amount: number? = 1): Color

Equivalent to Color.saturate(color, -amount).


Color.harmonies(color: Color, harmony: string, analogyAngle: number? = 60): array<Color>

Generates a list of Colors with a certain HSB harmony to the reference Color. The available harmonies are: Analogous, Complementary, SplitComplementary, Triadic, Tetradic (sometimes known as rectangle), and Square.

You may also specify an angle for the Analogous, SplitComplementary, and Tetradic harmonies.

Math Operations

Color == Color

Comparing Colors with == returns whether their clipped RGB components are the same.

print(, 0, 0) ==, 0, 0)) --> true
print(, 0, 0) ==, 1, 1)) --> false
print(, 1, 1) ==, 2, 2)) --> true

Color Types


  • color: BrickColor


  • color: Color3


  • hex: string

The hex string can be in the format ABC or AABBCC, with or without a leading #.


  • color: number [0, 16777215]


  • r: number [0, 255]
  • g: number [0, 255]
  • b: number [0, 255]


  • h: number [0, 360) or NaN
  • s: number [0, 1]
  • b: number [0, 1]

For an explanation on HSB, you can read the Wikipedia article on it.


Alias for HSB


  • h: number [0, 360) or NaN
  • w: number [0, 1]
  • b: number [0, 1]

For an explanation on HWB, you can read the Wikipedia article on it.


  • h: number [0, 360) or NaN
  • s: number [0, 1]
  • l: number [0, 1]

For an explanation on HSL, you can read the Wikipedia article on it.


  • c: number [0, 1]
  • m: number [0, 1]
  • y: number [0, 1]
  • k: number [0, 1]

For an explanation on CMYK, you can read the Wikipedia article on it. The RGB-CMYK conversions are naive and do not take color profiles into account.


  • kelvin: number

For best results, use temperatures in the range [1000, 40000]. The RGB-Temperature conversions are on based on Neil Bartlett's color-temperature.


  • x: number [0, 1] (typical)
  • y: number [0, 1]
  • z: number [0, 1] (typical)

For an explanation on XYZ, you can read the Wikipedia article on it. The RGB-XYZ conversions use illuminant D65.


  • x: number [0, 1]
  • y: number [0, 1]
  • Y: number [0, 1]

xyY is a color space related to XYZ.


  • l: number [0, 1]
  • a: number [-1.28, 1.27] (typically)
  • b: number [-1.28, 1.27] (typically)

For an explanation on CIELAB, you can read the Wikipedia article on it.


  • l: number [0, 1]
  • c: number [0, 1.50] (typically)
  • h: number [0, 360)

LCh(ab) is the cylindrical model of CIELAB.


Alias for LChab


  • l: number [0, 1]
  • u: number [-1, 1] (typically)
  • v: number [-1, 1] (typically)

For an explanation on CIELUV, you can read the Wikipedia article on it.


  • l: number [0, 1]
  • c: number [0, 1.50] (typically)
  • h: number [0, 360)

LCh(uv) is the cylindrical model of CIELUV.